Apotecari celebrates small business month
Behind every small business is a story worth knowing.
This May, we're celebrating Small Business Month by sitting down with our Founder and CEO, Simone Abaron as well as some of our wonderful salon partners to find out more about their business journey, values, inspiration and more.
In this video, Simone introduces the campaign and why it's so close to her heart.
Next, we ask Simone to tell us about Apotecari’s story. Starting at the beginning, Simone shares:
~ How she came up with Apotecari’s name
~ What inspired her to start her own business
~ What sets Apotecari apart in the industry
~ What’s been her greatest business challenge and how she has overcome it
~ How she has selected salons to partner with over the years
In this video, the lovely Phoebe @phoebelouise_ebbe from Ebbe The Salon shares her small business story and why a personalised client experience is so important. Phoebe shares:
~ Ebbe The Salon's core values
~ How the client experience is always prioritised
~ How the salon chooses aligned brands to partner with
~ How the salon gives back to the community and partners with @sustainablesalonsanz
Next up, the inspiring @victoriarushby from Intuition The Art Of Hair shares her small business story and what inspires here. Victoria shares:
~ The Intuition signature look
~ What's been her greatest challenge, and how she overcame it
~ How the client experience is always prioritised
~ The team culture at Intuition The Art Of Hair
~ How the salon chooses aligned brands to partner with
~ What success looks like
~ What inspires her
~ Why the salon chooses to partner with Apotecari
The wonderful @kristyhodgson from Jarah's Hair shares her small business story and how she's overcome her greatest challenge. Kristy shares:
~ Her favourite thing about being a small business owner
~ The team culture at Jarahs Hair
~ The advice she would give to her apprentice-self
~ What success looks like
~ How the salon chooses aligned brands to partner with
~ What's been her greatest challenge, and how she overcame it.
Last, but certainly not least, the incredible @sandychong from Suki Hairdressing shares the history of her salon's name.
"Small business isn't for the faint of heart. It's for the brave, the patient, and the persistent. It's for the overcomer." - Unknown
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